
The Rise of Shredded Vegetables: The Nutritional Benefits of Carrot Laffe and More

Popular shredded vegetables like carrot laffe Carrots, cabbage and celery are vegetables whose nutritional benefits double when sliced. The image is of the recently popular Carrot Lape. Recently, the number of people eating chopped vegetables is increasing. That’s when carrot laffe, a French-style pickle, started to become popular in Korea. It’s popular because it’s easy […]

10 Foods Rich in Vitamin K to Prevent Aging and Control Inflammation

Posted on 4.02.2024 18:30 Posted on 4.02.2024 18:30 Modified on 4.02.2024 03:39 Views 7 Foods containing vitamin K are essential for preventing aging and controlling inflammation. [사진=클립아트코리아] Starting in middle age, “inflammatory aging” worsens along with physical aging. However, vitamin K is essential for reducing inflammation that accelerates aging and maintaining youth. Above all, vitamin […]