
Examining the Potential Dominance of Chinese Capitalists in Thai Universities: Insights from Professor Krasae Chanawong

Can Thai Universities be Dominated by Chinese Capitalists? Renowned journalist Sutthichai Yun sheds light on the intricate dynamics of Thai-Chinese education through an exclusive interview with the esteemed Professor Dr. Krasae Chanawong, the President of Krirk University. The program “Black Coffee List” explores the pressing issue of Chinese influence potentially permeating the Thai educational landscape, […]

New evidence! Audio clip of witnesses in the Du Hao case | 1 January 23

New evidence! Audio clips of witnesses in the Du Hao case . First place! Chuwit opens audio clips, witnesses confirm the relationship Du Hao-nai . Follow up on the “Big News” list Monday, January 2, 2023 at 10:45 pm on PPTV HD Channel 36 #Chuvit #Duhao #Chinese Gray Capital #Chinese Capital #Chinese capitalist #gambling #big […]

In depth search warrants, luxury houses “Lam Luk Ka” | 11 November 65

The depth of the “Lam Luk Ka” luxury house search warrant . Open the deep! Search warrants for luxury housing in the Chinese capital in the Lam Luk Ka area! The police chief admitted that the people in the house were able to move in time. Carry things through the secret compartment. but got important […]