
HOTTOYS Marvel Thor 4 Love and Thunder Valkyrie 1/6 Action Figure_Movie_Styling_Scale

Original title: HOTTOYS Marvel Thor 4 Love and Thunder Valkyrie 1/6 Action Figure Marvel Studios’ 2022 blockbuster “Thor 4: Love and Thunder” opens a new page in the “Post-Avengers” heroic world, where old love, new hatred, and comrades gather! Hot Toys has released 1:6 scale collectible figures of the main character Thor and the goddess […]

British zoologist barbie master Inspiring girls around the world – watch movies online

‘Jane Goodall’, British zoologist. It has become a model for Barbie, a series of ‘Inspiring Women’ series to ignite the dreams and hopes of young girls around the world. Who wants to conserve nature and wildlife like her ———- Subject: Phornwasa Phakduuan Edit: Areeya Sitthipoka ———- Follow TNN World via Various channels at Facebook: […]

Wang Dongcheng has been single for 5 years and is obsessed with dolls. The mother is anxious to get married and wants to hold grandchildren | Dadong | Epoch Times

[Epoch Times, April 3, 2022](Reported by Epoch Times reporter Ma Weifen) Artist Wang Dongcheng (Da Dong) returned to Taiwan to accompany his mother for the Chinese New Year. When asked about the current situation of the sideline business, Dadong said that he has been single for five years, and admitted that Wang’s mother is also […]

What do Chinese cross-border purchasing agents love most?The Blade of Ghost Slayer and One Piece Doll are on the list

Bibian, a cross-border purchasing agent e-commerce company, said that the most popular purchasing products of the Chinese people are animation peripherals, such as the ghost doll and the one piece doll. (Picture/Retrieved from Bibieng’s official website) A+ A- The epidemic catalyzed the demand for overseas online shopping, coupled with the relatively low Japanese currency exchange […]