
Reducing Breast Cancer Risk: The Cleveland Clinic’s Daily Tips

The Cleveland Clinic in the US has introduced daily tips that can reduce the risk of breast cancer. [사진: 셔터스톡] [디지털투데이 AI리포터] Breast cancer has a high incidence: one in eight women is diagnosed once in their life. The Cleveland Clinic in the United States has introduced daily tips that can reduce the incidence of […]

9 “Ones” to Protect Your Cardiovascular System and Live Longer

Living long is not difficult, there are 9 “ones” to protect your cardiovascular system. (Image source: Adobe stock) Looking at Chinese websites, it is forbidden to create mirror sites. According to the World Health Organization (WHO),cardiovascularDiseases represent the leading cause of death in the world. Considering many modern lifestyle and eating habits, these constantly damage […]

Differentiating Between Fruits and Vegetables: Understanding the Nutritional and Health Benefits

Distinguish between fruits and vegetables… Nutrition also changes with coloring Posted 2024.01.11 11:28 Views 23 Posted 2024.01.11 11:28 Modified 2024.01.11 11:29 Views 23 Fruits and vegetables have been classified almost similarly as they are rich in various minerals and vitamins that are important for health. However, there is a difference between the two. [사진=게티이미지뱅크]Fruits and […]

The Health Benefits of Eating Fresh Fruit on an Empty Stomach

The Importance of Eating Fresh Fruit on an Empty Stomach When it comes to the benefits of eating fruit, it’s important to consider not only what fruits to eat, but also when to eat them. Eating fresh, live fruit on an empty stomach can lead to improved detoxification and liver function. Consuming fruit as a […]

The Importance of Colorful Fruits and Vegetables for a Baby’s Nutrition

Why Colorful Fruits and Vegetables are Essential for a Baby’s Health As parents, we all want the best for our little ones, especially when it comes to their nutrition. One way to ensure they receive the essential nutrients they need is by incorporating colorful fruits and vegetables into their diet. These vibrant foods not only […]