
The Power of UDCA: A Natural Liver Nutrient with Potential in Preventing Coronavirus

Rewrite text It plays a role in energy management, detoxification, breakdown and metabolism of various hormones, and helps digest fat by producing bile. The liver performs various important functions in our body. That is why it is called the ‘chemical factory of the human body’. These physiological functions of the liver have become widely known […]

Understanding the Risks and Benefits of Vasodilation Surgery for Diabetic Foot Patients

Diabetic Foot Patients and the Question of Vasodilation Surgery By Medical Correspondent Hidoc Park Jeong-min | Source: Hidoc One of the pressing questions for many diabetic foot patients is whether undergoing vasodilation surgery can prevent the need for amputation. However, the reality is far more nuanced than a simple yes or no. Treatment Options Diabetic […]

The Impact of Atrial Fibrillation on Complications in Diabetic Patients: A Study Analysis

Link Between Atrial Fibrillation and Complications in Diabetic Patients Recent research has shed light on the concerning relationship between atrial fibrillation and diabetic complications. A study conducted by a joint team of experts from the Department of Cardiology at Seoul National University Hospital revealed that diabetic patients with atrial fibrillation face up to a 23% […]

The Surprising Link Between Salt Intake and Diabetes Risk

Understanding the Impact of Diabetes and Insulin Resistance Diabetes is a complex condition that disrupts the body’s ability to regulate blood sugar levels effectively. When we consume carbohydrates, our digestive enzymes break them down into glucose, which is then absorbed into the bloodstream. At this point, insulin, which is secreted by pancreatic beta cells, plays […]

UDCA: A Potential Game-Changer in Preventing COVID-19 Mutations and Twin Pandemic

The Government Urges Simultaneous Flu and COVID-19 Vaccinations in Preparation for “Twin Pandemic” The government has recently recommended getting vaccinated against both the flu and the novel coronavirus infection (COVID-19) in order to prepare for the upcoming flu season. This cautious approach is a response to the ongoing flu epidemic and the worrisome signs of […]

The Risk of Acute Hepatitis A from Eating Raw Oysters

Uncooked Seafood Eating Practices in Winter Can Lead to Hepatitis A Outbreaks By [Author Name], Staff Writer Seoul, South Korea – Oysters, a beloved seafood delicacy in Korea, are at their prime during the winter season. However, the consumption of raw oysters during this time requires utmost caution as it can potentially lead to norovirus […]

The Challenges of Treating Diabetic Foot Infections in Obese Patients

Diabetic Foot Infections in Obese Patients: A Challenging Path to Prognosis By Hidoc Park Jeong-min, Medical Correspondent Diabetic foot patients face varying prognoses based on their individual conditions. Among the particularly challenging cases are those afflicted with diabetic foot infections and obesity. In this article, we explore the reasons behind the increased difficulty and complexity […]

The Dangerous Truth About Belly Fat: Why Visceral Fat Poses a Greater Health Risk

Understanding and Managing Belly Fat for a Healthier Lifestyle When it comes to belly fat, it’s important to understand that not all fat is created equal. There are two types of belly fat that can accumulate in our bodies – subcutaneous fat and visceral fat. Subcutaneous fat is located just under the skin, while visceral […]