
‘Affiliate manipulation allegation’ Kim Seon-ho’s acquaintance cancels the disclosure → Notice of account deletion… “The truth will be revealed” – Reporter Kim Chae-yeon

Person A, who predicted the revelation by claiming to be an acquaintance of actor Kim Seon-ho, abruptly canceled the revelation and foreshadowed the deletion of the account. On the 23rd, Mr. A announced on his Instagram, “I will delete my account in a week. I believe the truth will be revealed.” He added, “What I […]

K-actor Suspicion Kim Seon-ho’s ex-girlfriend is an influencer from the broadcasting industry

Controversy over K-actor’s revelations‘Belated position announcement’ by Kim Seon-ho’s designationAdvertising industry stop loss → ‘Gaetcha’ interviews are canceled one after anotherReport on the identity of the author of the K-actor’s revelations “Beautiful wealth” Actor Kim Seon-ho. /Ten Asia DB While actor Kim Seon-ho was named as a K-actor and was engulfed in controversy over his […]

[단독] ‘K-actor controversy’ Kim Seon-ho’s ex-girlfriend weathercaster A?… rumor

[제주교통복지신문 임의순 기자] Currently, some online communities and SNS are circulating rumors that Kim Seon-ho’s ex-girlfriend is a former weather caster in the ‘K-actor controversy’, so netizens’ opinions are divided. Even related search terms have appeared. However, this is currently not confirmed at all. Kim Seon-ho, who is a party, will directly state his position. In […]