
Choi Eun-soon’s parole push?… Abuse of presidential pardon power on the chopping block again

(This article can be heard in audio.) President Yoon Seok-yeol’s mother-in-law, Choi Eun-soon (center), is moving to the Uijeongbu District Court in Gajeong-dong, Uijeongbu-si, Gyeonggi-do on the 21st for an appeal trial on charges including forgery of bank account balance certificates. 2023.7.21. yunhap news President Yoon Seok-yeol’s mother-in-law, Choi Eun-soon, was included in the list […]

Ahn Hae-wook raises ‘Julie suspicion’, arrest warrant dismissed

Ahn Hae-wook, former president of the Korea Elementary Taekwondo Federation, who attended the nationwide candlelight vigil in April last year. He calls himself ‘Julie’s Taekwondo older brother.’ (Photo: Good Morning Chungcheong Reporter Jo Ha-jun) [굿모닝충청 조하준 기자] On the 1st, the arrest warrant for Ahn Hae-wook, former president of the Korea Elementary Taekwondo Federation, who […]