
Preventing and Treating Nose Acne: Tips for a Clean Nose and Healthy Lifestyle

Nose acne occurs when you blow and pick your nose frequently… Maintaining clean nose and lifestyle habits are important. Posted on 18.04.2024 at 18:10 Posted on 18.04.2024 at 18:10 Views 10 Irritating behaviors such as blowing your nose too often or picking your nose can cause nasal acne. [사진=게티이미지뱅크]It’s easy to think of acne as […]

Understanding Colon Cancer: Expert Insights and Recommendations

(Adobe Stock) If you have a colonoscopy during a health checkup, it is very painful because you have to drink an excessive amount of bowel cleanser without being able to eat the day before. When I hear the results of some polyps being removed after a test, I wonder, ‘Is it possible that the colon […]

The Rise in Laryngitis Cases Following Flu Epidemic: Causes, Symptoms, and Precautions

After the flu epidemic, the number of cases of laryngitis also increased significantly. Posted on 02/20/2024 at 5.30pm Posted on 02/20/2024 at 5.30pm Modified on 02/20/2024 at 5.50pm Views 31 If laryngitis develops, symptoms such as a foreign body sensation in the throat, thirst, and a slight cough initially appear. As it gradually worsens, it […]

The Impact of High Blood Sugar Levels on Voice and Diabetes Diagnosis

High blood sugar levels can cause peripheral neuropathy and myopathy… Diabetes can be diagnosed by voice changes Posted on 01.29.2024 18:10 Posted on 01.29.2024 18.10 Modified on 01.29.2024 15.37 Views 1 High blood sugar can make your voice hoarse or strained. High blood sugar can cause peripheral neuropathy (diabetic neuropathy), which means damage to nerve […]

Diseases Recognized by Voice: Laryngeal Cancer, Dysphagia, and Vocal Cord Polyps

Discovering Diseases through Voice: Laryngeal Cancer, Dysphagia, and Vocal Cord Polyps Published: November 2, 2023 | Views: 0 | Last Modified: November 2, 2023 The arrival of the cold and windy fall season brings with it a rise in cases of the common cold. Many individuals, especially, experience sore throats due to the dry weather. […]

Early Detection of Colorectal Cancer: A Case Study of Liver Abscess Diagnosis

Title: Colorectal Cancer Detected during Treatment for Liver Abscess How Colorectal Cancer was Discovered during Liver Abscess Treatment A careful screening revealed an unexpected diagnosis A 55-year-old woman without any family history or symptoms of colorectal cancer recently sought medical treatment at Lianxin International Hospital for a liver abscess. To everyone’s surprise, a diligent doctor […]