
Understanding Colon Cancer: Causes, Treatment, and Survival Rates

According to experts, colon cancer is often considered more serious compared to other forms of cancer. One reason is the perception that the surgical procedure for treating colon cancer is risky and extensive. There is also fear among patients regarding potential complications, such as the need for a colostomy implant due to eating disorders or […]

Understanding the Connection Between Colon Cancer and Lifestyle Factors

Colon Cancer: A Comprehensive Exploration 3/10 Addressing the Link Between Constipation and Colon Cancer One common concern is whether constipation can lead to colon cancer. In today’s fast-paced lifestyle, constipation often stems from a low intake of dietary fiber due to the regular consumption of fast food. Additionally, suppressing the natural urge to defecate during […]

Preventing Colon Cancer: The Importance of Colonoscopy and Early Detection

Colon Cancer: Prevention through Colonoscopy Colon cancer, once considered a dreaded disease, can now be prevented through colonoscopy screenings. Colon cancer ranks as one of the most feared cancers due to its high morbidity and mortality rates. In Korea, it is the third most common cancer, following thyroid and lung cancers. According to the ‘National […]

12 Tips to Prevent Cancer and Maintain a Healthy Lifestyle

Tips for Preventing Cancer Eating a Balanced Diet and Avoiding Partial Eclipses Experts suggest that consuming a well-balanced diet can play a crucial role in preventing cancer. Certain foods contain mutagenic substances that can lead to cell mutations. However, there are also foods that contain ingredients preventing mutagenicity. For example, carrots with high vitamin C […]

Pregnancy and Thyroid Cancer: Considerations, Treatment, and Hope

The thyroid is a vital endocrine organ found in the front of the neck that produces and stores hormones that regulate body temperature, heart rate, and metabolism. Thyroid cancer is identified as a malignant growth in the thyroid gland. It is the most frequently diagnosed cancer in men and women in Korea since 1999. Despite […]

After the increase in cases of skin cancer, the Netherlands made for the people …

Everyone knows that skin cancer is a cancer that affects the skin. Skin cancer comes in many forms. Although many factors can lead to skin cancer, from heredity, skin problems caused by UV (ultraviolet) rays due to excessive sun exposure lead to skin cancer over time. Health workers are currently running a campaign to spread […]

Cold Weight Loss 2/ Overnight Dinner Helps to Lose Weight and Fight Cancer? “2.5-fold increase in resistant starch” is the | key Life | QUANTITY

If the cooked rice is cooled for 24 hours and then heated, the resistant starch will increase 2.5 times, reversing the bad impression of overnight rice in one fell swoop, but experts remind you to give attention to the refrigeration temperature to avoid breeding. bacteria. (Figure/123RF) All starchy foods will increase resistant starch after refrigeration […]

[라이프케어TV] You who want a healthy life “Just do it”

<!– 가정의학 전문의가 이야기 하는 생활습관과 식습관이 중요성조진희 아미다해 이사장, 신동혁 맑은서울가정의원 원장 참여질병을 예방하는 생활습관의 몸 속 원리 –> ▲ From left, Jinhee Cho, Chairman of Amidahae, and Shin Donghyuk, Director of Sunny Seoul Family Clinic. “Cancer is a chronic disease that occurs through complex damage to cells and tissues, so the best prevention […]

Interaction between telomeres and mitochondria prevents cancer: Donga Science

Salk Institute of America Telomeres (green) protect the ends of chromosomes from damage. Courtesy of the Salk Foundation As we age, the protective structures at the ends of chromosomes, called telomeres, gradually shorten. It triggers a response similar to how the immune system fights a virus, destroying potentially cancerous cells. Understanding the interaction between telomeres […]