
Ranji Panicker Addresses Issues of Political Correctness in Films

Title: Filmmaker Ranji Panicker Questions Societal Norms in Film Dialogue Subtitle: Ranji Panicker Discusses the Importance of Addressing Gender Representation in Malayalam Cinema Heading 2: Introduction Leading actor and accomplished writer Ranji Panicker has recently expressed his concerns regarding the accurate portrayal of demolitions and the impact it has on society. In a thought-provoking interview, […]

Ranji Panicker Discusses Political Correctness in Films

Actor Ranji Panicker Criticizes Demolition and Addresses Controversial Dialogue in Upcoming Web Series In a recent interview with YouTube channel Django Space, actor and writer Ranji Panicker expressed his confusion regarding the correctness of demolition. He questioned the societal norms and wondered what was wrong with everything in society, which served as the foundation for […]