
Suzuki Tatsuhisa resigns as the voice actor of “Tokyo Avengers” Ryuguji Ken | 4Gamers

“Tokyo Avengers” (Tokyo リベンジャーズ) officially announced today (27) that starting from the Holy Eve Battle, Ryuguji Ken’s seiyuu replaced the original Suzuki Tatsuyo. [Notice regarding the role of Ryuguji Ken]Mr. Tatsuhisa Suzuki, who has played the role of Ryuguji Ken,We would like to inform you that the roles will be changed after discussions between the […]

New animated movie “Doraemon Nobita’s Little Space War 2021” is scheduled to be released on March 4, 22_TOM Entertainment

Today, November 9th, it was officially announced that Fujiko·F·Fujio’s original new animated film“Doraemon Nobita’s Little Space War 2021”It is scheduled to be released on March 4, 2022. At the same time, the newly joined guest voice actors are announced. • “Doraemon Nobita’s Little Universe War 2021” will be a complete remake of “Doraemon Nobita’s Little […]