
The transit of Uranus affects the 12 zodiac signs as follows.

The transit of Uranus affects the 12 zodiac signs as follows. Aries : Will change love, change direction will lose love But it’s like coming back and starting over. A fresh start would be great. What makes us not right should step back Taurus : Maratyu Rahu is in a job, which is in ruin, […]

Learn about anemia, don’t trust it and how to prevent it.

anaemiacaused by what? The cause of the anemia. It can be caused by many reasons. It can be divided into the main causes as follows. 1) Createred blood cellsless, caused by . malnutrition receiving insufficient nutrition Especially the lack of iron, vitamin B12 or folic acid. . chronic disease some chronic diseases or treatment of […]

Get to know each other about diseases and how to prevent pneumonia.

pneumoniaorpneumoniaIt is an inflammation of the lungs and bronchi. This can happen for 3 main reasons. 1) Infections include: Bacteria, including pneumococcus (Pneumococcus) Viruses include influenza, SARS virus (SARS Virus). Others include fungi, parasites, etc. 2) Sterile: Aspiration of food particles into the lungs Inhalation of smoke, dust into the body in large quantities 3) […]

Causes of dengue fever, health hazard

Ideas for caring for patients at home 1. Dry the body to reduce fever Give antipyretics as ordered by the doctor, including paracetamol every 4-6 hours If the fever lasts more than 3 days, you should see a doctor. 2. Do not give antipyretic drugs containing aspirin or ibuprofen as they can cause gastrointestinal bleeding. […]

Predict the horoscope of the zodiac elements 12. What will your horoscope be like?

First of all, let’s understand that Which zodiac sign is in which element? news team today Thainews Online I will bring everyone to understand the table of the elements of the Zodiac as follows. earth element Those born under the zodiac sign Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn. water element These include people born under the zodiac sign […]

6 zodiac signs, luck, openness, good news coming soon

Horoscope of 12 zodiac signs after the sun moves 17 November 2022, what will your horoscope be? Aries Subordinates bring problems, they can’t rely on them, everything has to be done by yourself. There are criteria to earn money from illness or damage. Taurus Excellence in work and fan love There is a good opportunity […]