
“The current government is drunk with the sweetness of power”… Choi Jae-hyung announces his candidacy for president


Former Auditor General Choi Jae-hyeong announced his candidacy for the presidential election. It’s been 32 days since I stepped down from the Board of Audit and Inspection. People’s Power Other presidential candidates participated in volunteer activities prepared by the party, but a subtle war of nerves arose over the fact that some runners did not come.

By Kim Tae-young, staff reporter.


Former Chairman of the Board of Audit and Inspection Choi Jae-hyung has officially announced his candidacy for president.

As if conscious of the controversy over undermining political neutrality, he highlighted the reality of the Moon Jae-in administration.

[최재형/전 감사원장 : 벽에 부딪혔습니다. 그 벽은 ‘권력의 단맛에 취한’ 지금의 정권이었습니다.]

He also continued his remarks aimed at former Prosecutor General Yoon Seok-yeol.

[최재형/전 감사원장 : 저는 이러한 분열상태를 야기했던 여러 과거 일로부터 자유로운 사람입니다.]

Policy-related questions were repeatedly answered as if some were unprepared.

In the end, criticisms were made, and they were acknowledged.

[최재형/전 감사원장 : 국정 전반에 대한 정책에 대한 준비가 되어 있지 않다는 점, 이 점에 대해서는 제가 인정하고…]

Meanwhile, former President Yoon Seok-yeol visited the one-man protest in front of the Blue House.

It strengthened the argument calling for President Moon Jae-in’s apology for the Drooking public opinion manipulation case.

[윤석열/전 검찰총장 : 국정원 댓글사건 때도 이게 뭐 그거보다 규모도 훨씬 큰데 그때 그 얼마나 난리를 치고 했습니까…]

Former President Yoon also received consulting from an image expert when his remarks and attitudes regarding illegal food were recently controversial.

In the midst of this, other presidential contenders for the Power of the People went to the Jjokbang Village in Yongsan-gu, Seoul with CEO Jun-seok Lee to do volunteer work.

The original goal was to have all 13 candidates in the party attend, but only 8 attended.

CEO Jun-seok Lee showed an uncomfortable look.

[이준석/국민의힘 대표 : (국민에) 봉사하는 자세로 임하겠다는 의지로 준비한 첫 출발의 이벤트에서 그것보다 중요한 것이 무엇일지는…]

Rep. Hong Jun-pyo, who was absent from the event due to vacation, said, “There must be their own reasons,” and said, “Do not encourage conflict within the party.”

(Video design: Jo Young-ik)