
The difference between introvert (I) and extrovert (E), misunderstanding and truth?

Animals are introverts and extroverts.

Knowing your tendencies helps you understand yourself. [사진=게티이미지뱅크]

Carl Gustav Jung, a famous psychologist, divided human personality into ‘Introverts’ and ‘Extroverts’. The recently popular MBTI test is also based on this theory. Then, what is the specific difference between type I and type E? WebMD, American health media, presented misunderstandings and truths about type I and E classification.

Jung classified personality according to the direction of the mind’s energy. Extroverts are often classified as ‘social’. Attention and energy are directed outwards. An introvert is often called an ‘introvert’. Interest and energy tend to be directed inward, but unlike prejudice, timidity has little to do with either class.

Being an introvert is always shy and it doesn’t mean you’re alone. Personality type has more to do with how you get things done than with your outgoing personality. Introverts see the world based on ideas, memories, and thoughts in their mind. On the other hand, extroverts prefer to talk and share ideas with others, and work efficiency is high when they do this.

Extroverts are often more impulsive than introverts. They love feedback and are motivated by rewards. Therefore, they tend to take less time to make decisions than introverts and act faster to produce results.

Introverts use certain areas of the brain more often than extroverts, and the blood flow to those areas is higher. Introverts have more blood flow to the frontal lobe, the part of the brain responsible for memory, problem solving and planning. Extroverts have more blood flow to parts of the brain associated with driving, hearing and seeing.

Introverts may find it difficult to get distracted while concentrating, but extroverts tend to focus better in music or other noisy environments than introverts.

Jung believed that everyone has one true type, but pointed out that it may take time to discover your true type. Therefore, it is unlikely that a person will change significantly from an extremely introverted personality to an extreme extroverted personality, but the type may appear different depending on the living conditions or the environment at the time of taking the personality test.

Animals, like humans, can have personality types. Researchers studying groups of sharks have found that solitary (introverted) sharks are lonely even when swimming to new places. On the other hand, sharks (extroverts) in groups tended to cope with new situations together.

Of course, an extroverted personality and an introverted personality cannot be divided like a knife. Some people fall in the middle of the scale, and they show signs of both personality types.