
The Hankook Ilbo : A balanced view of the world

’70 years of alliance’ The image of the United States is ours
“Business Connections” “Being Thankful”

After 70 years of the ROK-US alliance, the tendency of the Koreans towards the US is obvious. As a result of Hankook Ilbo and Hankook Research’s New Year poll, all generations agree on the need to ‘strengthen the alliance (63.8%)’. The dichotomy between independence and alliance, anti-Americanism and pro-Americanism, which divided our society in the past, has been shattered. (Refer to Dong-A Ilbo, January 2nd, pages 1, 2, and 3, ‘Public Opinion Survey on 70 Years of ROK-US Alliance, New Year Plan’) As such, although public opinion is generally sympathetic with the value of the ROK-US alliance and relative trust in the US, perceptions vary according to each person’s experience. This is a difficult part to capture in opinion polls. Notice the subtle difference…