
The Hankook Ilbo : A balanced view of the world

“Publish a biography to tell the truth?”
The younger prosecutor’s look towards Lee In-kyu is cold

The former head of the Central Investigation Department of the Supreme Prosecutor’s Office, Lee In-gyu, who was in charge of the investigation of former President Roh Moo-hyun, published a memoir saying, “I will inform the truth of the case,” but the response is cold the prosecution. There are evaluations that “the former captain of the investigation team is unilaterally advocating for the restoration of individual honor” and “it will only cause conflict, division and other conflicts”. In a phone call with the Hankook Ilbo on the 17th, former manager Lee expressed his feelings about publishing the memoir, saying, “It feels like I’ve finished my homework.” He devoted 218 pages to his 532-page memoir, “I Was a Prosecutor of the Republic of Korea – Who Killed Roh Moo-hyun?”