
The Hankook Ilbo : A balanced view of the world

I asked the bereaved families of the murder victims…
“What if the criminal is not sentenced to death?”

Survivors of murder victims are a key party in debating whether or not to abolish the death penalty. This is because they are also classified as victims of crime, and this is the only channel through which they can represent the feelings of their deceased families. This is why examining the impact of a death sentence on the bereaved family can be a meaningful analysis. However, there is no empirical study on bereaved families of murder victims at home or abroad. At the very least, one can cite a study conducted by Chung Jeong-sik, professor of criminal psychology at Kyonggi University, who conducted in-depth interviews with 13 bereaved families of murder victims in 2016. Although limited by a small sample size, it was examined the effect of the death sentence on the bereaved family.