
The head of the CEC: The reporting of the voting results will be slower

Voting results for the April 2 election will be slower because more ballots will be counted. The chairman of the Central Election Commission (CEC) Kamelia Neikova warned about this in the program “120 minutes” on bTV.

Neikova explained that there will be a delay, since in addition to the paper ballots, those from the machine voting will be counted, recalling that in the previous elections, a protocol for the votes was printed from the machine voting.

There will be two boxes in the voting section – one for paper ballots and one for machine votes. Neikova also added that the data on the number of votes for the parties and coalitions from the machine voting will be published on the website of the CEC.

The Chairman of the CEC recalled that in the upcoming elections, the counting of ballots and filling in of the protocols will be able to be observed online by anyone through a special platform. The video surveillance will be carried out through a smartphone, which will be placed on a stand so as to give visibility to all the actions of the sectional election commission, explained Kamelia Neikova. “The purpose of the video surveillance is the transparency of the election process,” she added and pointed out that a training video material will be prepared for turning on and placing the smartphone, through which the online connection will be made in the sections.

Neikova also commented that, according to the CEC, there is no problem regarding the issue related to the screens in the sections, which will be provided by the municipalities. According to her, even if they are different, the important thing is that they guarantee the secrecy of the vote.

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