
The hottest Netflix series right now is 1899! After watching one episode, you will be addicted to magic, and your brain will drive you crazy- A Day Magazine

Recently, apart from being busy at work, I’m also very busy after coming off work, because there are many dramas to catch up with. Every day, the crew of lovers discuss which drama they must pursue, and they threaten to break up if they don’t pursue it! As well as the great acclaim of “First Love”, which was shown for the time being first yesterday, there is also one that was praised surprisingly enough, that is Netflix’s first original German series “1899”.

Internet sensationalism series “1899”

The ship bound for New York was accidentally shrouded in a horror mystery

“1899”The story says that people from different races of the world gathered in London in 1899. All of them had dreams of going to the United States in their hearts, so they booked a cruise ticket to New York.However, during the voyage, they hadThe captain of the ship “Prometheus” that had been missing for four months had a distress message, so he decided to change his voyage.

Usually things start to get out of control because the plan is beyond expectations, so when there is such a “ghost ship”.The journey begins to develop beyond expectations.

Originally these European immigrants wanted to go to New York to start a new life, but who could have predicted that the immigration journey would gradually turn into a terrible nightmare. Gradually the passengers on board were under terror and mysteries, and several strange phenomena happened, and their fate followed, then reversed.

All photo: Netflix

Fans who have watched the show gave positive reviews

Credit after watching one episode, I will obediently watch it

“1899” is a sci-fi thriller that has been very popular in recent years.“Dark” was produced by the team, but the audience considers it brain-burning, but it is better than “Dark”.

Many people who have watched it are almost driven crazy by the plot, because it is too unpredictable. They laughed and said that as long as they watch one episode, the whole person would feel like be cursed, and they would be obediently bound to watch it.

He even joked while watching a drama, it’s better to draw a branch diagram of the name, the relationship diagram and the plot first, and you have to take good notes, otherwise there’s a very high chance you won’t’ n understand the plot.

“1899” has only been online for a week, and it has already set an excellent recordBy word of mouth, Rotten Tomatoes freshness is 84%, and the IMDb site has 8 stars. Due to its popularity,The screenwriter of “1899” also revealed that the second and third seasons will be produced, which makes people look forward to the development of the plot.

All photo: Netflix

It can be said that this drama is the most contemporary drama series in Europe and America at the moment, and everyone is discussing and trying to solve the “mystery”. For those who don’t have any activities tonight, you might as well stay at home and watch the show.

But if you think you are not smart enough, invite friends who have good logic to watch it together, and guess the plot together, it will be more interesting.

——Great Preview——

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