
The jackpot hero who won 1.9 trillion finally appeared … take it as a lump sum

picture explanation[사진 출처 = 픽사베이]

The two protagonists of the $1.33 billion jackpot (about 1.9 trillion won), the third largest jackpot in US lottery history, have finally been revealed.

On the 21st (local time), lottery authorities announced that two joint owners of the $1.337 billion Mega Millions 1st prize lottery ticket, which announced the winner on July 29, received the prize on the same day.

They bought a lottery ticket at a convenience store at a gas station in Des Plaines, Illinois in July and went missing for a while, raising curiosity. At the time, the Mega Millions lottery jackpot was the third largest in US lottery history and the second largest in Mega Millions history.

It is known that the winners got $780.5 million (about 1.9 trillion won) by choosing a cash lump sum payment method. $500,000 was also paid to a speedway gas station in Death Plains, where the lottery was sold (about 700 million won).

Illinois Lottery Commissioner Harold Mays said, “The two have been discussing the claim process and management issues with legal and financial experts for several weeks from the moment they confirmed their winnings until recently.”

The lottery said that the winners chose to remain anonymous and could not reveal their identities, but that they felt very happy and floating on the clouds.

The Mega Millions lottery is one of the most representative lotteries in the United States, and you have to guess all 6 numbers, including 5 winning numbers and 1 Mega Ball bonus number, to win the first prize.

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