
The leisure function ‘Splitting’ also scales… Women’s organizations protest


The transition committee repeatedly said “the abolition of the Ministry of Gender Equality and Family” today (28th). There is still no clear outline of what they will do in the future, but women’s groups objected to a report in the academic world that divided the function of the leisure department into 4 or 5 parts. Ahn Cheol-soo, chairman of the transition committee, meets with women’s organizations this week.

Correspondent Kim Na-han.


The 20th Presidential Transition Committee nailed it again today that there is no change in its position to abolish the Ministry of Gender Equality and Family.

[원일희/인수위 수석부대변인 : 여가부 폐지 원칙 말씀드렸고 새 명칭에 대한 추측성 보도가 좀 나오고 있습니다. 현재 보도되고 있는 일부 새로운 명칭은 사실이 아니란 점을 다시 한번 밝혀드리겠습니다.]

In the midst of this, a report that made detailed proposals for the reorganization of the new government was at the center of controversy.

This report was unveiled at a seminar held last week by the Korean Society for Organizational Reform and the Korean Association for Administrative Reform.

At the seminar, Lee Yong-ho, secretary of the Judicial Administration of the Transition Committee, and Lee Tae-gyu, a member of the Planning and Coordination Subcommittee of the Transition Committee, also sent congratulatory remarks.

The report suggests that if the new government’s will to abolish the Ministry of Leisure is reflected, the function of the Ministry of Leisure can be divided into 4 or 5 parts.

First, the existing Ministry of Health and Welfare was split to create the Ministry of Welfare and Family, and the Ministry of Education was reorganized into the Ministry of Education, Innovation and Human Resources.

I also thought that the function to adjust so that gender discrimination does not occur in the process of policy making could be moved to this place by newly establishing the Ministry of Planning and Budget.

They also suggested that the role of protecting and supporting victims of sexual violence be sent to existing ministries such as the National Police Agency and the Ministry of Justice.

Women’s groups responded immediately.

[김민문정/한국여성단체연합 공동대표 : 여성 정책의 한국 사회의 맥락이나 역사성 이런 부분들을 전혀 고려하지 않고, 그 안을 절대화하는 건 굉장히 위험하다는 생각을 갖고 있습니다, 저는.]

The takeover committee left the possibility of choice open, saying that it is one method that can be used as a reference.

Chairman Ahn Cheol-soo’s promise to meet with women’s groups earlier to hear opinions on the abolition of the Ministry of Leisure is expected to come true this week.

The Korea Women’s Federation said, “In order to fulfill the national responsibility for gender equality, there is an answer to the stories of women experiencing gender discrimination.”

(Video design: Eunsol Oh)


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