
The next pandemic in the UK?… A corona-like virus found in bats in Britain

9 viruses were found in faecal samples from 16 species of bats
Experts “British bats harbor corona-like virus”

A Corona-like virus has been found in bats native to England. Scientists say “only a few mutations can attack people”.

↑ Bats/Photo = Yonhap News

Experts have warned that bats in Britain are harboring a coronavirus-like virus that has the potential to spread to humans.

Researchers tested for viruses in faecal samples from 16 species of bats living in the UK, and found nine viruses. Two of these were completely new viruses scientifically.

These viruses have been found in samples taken from great horseshoe bats and lesser horseshoe bats, and belong to the same broad family of pathogens as SARS-CoV-2, a coronavirus.

According to a research team that includes prominent government advisers, the unprecedented coronavirus needs only a few ‘modifications’ to pose a threat to humans.

Some believe the coronavirus may have spread to humans from bats in China via intermediate species such as raccoons and pangolins.

Among these, there are zoonotic diseases that can be transmitted from animals to humans and

There are growing concerns about their potential to trigger a pandemic.

Some experts point to habitat loss due to climate change and urbanisation, and increased animal migration due to environmental degradation as causes of zoonotic diseases.

Meanwhile, scholars have argued that the virus poses little risk to society.

[정혜원 디지털뉴스부 인턴기자]

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