
The Plan of Carlos Prosperi

On March 2, Carlos Prosperi, deputy and presidential candidate, presented his government plan accompanied by the militancy of AD “in resistance”, the only AD existing and recognized nationally and internationally even though its acronyms and headquarters are kidnapped by agents of the ruling party To date, he is the first candidate for the presidency to do so and to launch ideas to solve the country’s serious problems.

He is a candidate who has had several “first times” in the framework of his pre-campaign, the first to tour the country supporting the candidates in the last regional elections for unity, the first to “move” to Barinas to fight for the uncontested victory Sergio Garrido’s electoral campaign against the excessive pro-government advantage in the former stronghold of the revolution and the first to hold massive rallies both in the main cities of the interior of the country and in deep Venezuela, demonstrating that his supporters are flesh and blood rather than numbers in a poll.

The “Prosperity Plan” collects contributions from multiple highly qualified experts and addresses different dimensions of the complex reality that the new government will receive after the 2024 elections. It is important that citizens proceed to read it and compare the Social Democratic offer with the national shame called “Bolivarian Revolution” and the unpresentable madurismo.

I particularly want to highlight the proposals of Carlos Prosperí in relation to administrative decentralization and local democracy. I quote “we will promote decentralization to the maximum. We will give more powers and more resources to States and Municipalities so that local problems are resolved locally. We intend to give new impetus to the decentralization process that began in 1989 under President Carlos Andrés Pérez. We are going to give a new meaning to the Federal Council of Government, returning to the states and municipalities full autonomy in the management of the resources corresponding to the constitutional situation. We will reverse the financial centralism that the Patria system has imposed.”

It is obvious that the voice and the yearning of the municipal activists has been listened carefully by Prosperi, everyone knows that the current constitution establishes a “Federal and Decentralized State” but this year the madurismo snatched all the mayors and governors ( pro-government or opposition) 72% of the constitutional position. Regardless of who the mayor or governor is, their budgetary resources must be respected because in this way we also respect the will of the citizens who have freely elected them. It is clear that we are facing two well-defined paths: either we put an end to sterile centralism and hand over resources to mayors and governors, or we sink into the ever-widening madurista gap between opulent Las Mercedes and the impoverished “interior.”

Special mention deserves the clarity of the “Prosperity Plan” with respect to the fiscal voracity that overwhelms Venezuelans today. In fact, Prosperi reaffirmed his aspiration to “put an end to the immense fiscal voracity of the current regime, where taxes are a stumbling block for national economic development. Eliminate the Tax on Large Financial Transactions. Comprehensive review of the true collection amounts to create a fair and balanced collection system, where everyone truly pays taxes according to their economic possibility and, at the same time, those who contribute more socially are financially encouraged”.

I believe that Venezuelans deserve and expect a high-level presidential debate, with a sense of State, with concrete ideas to build the future. Hopefully it will be so, both for the Unitary Platform’s primary campaign and for the presidential election, democratizing the country and reconciling ourselves after so much hatred poured out implies restoring among us the practices of democracy, among them: voting, debate freedom and citizen participation in public affairs. Good for Carlos Prosperí.

Julio Castellanos / [email protected] / @rockypolitica