
The production team of SBS’ ‘My Little Old Boy’ acknowledged and apologized for the similarity of YouTube’s ‘Chimpal Discussion’ content

The producers of ‘My Little Old Boy’ apologized for the YouTube content similarity controversy.

On the 11th, the production team of the SBS entertainment program ‘My Little Old Boy’ (hereafter Miu Bird) said on the official website on the 11th, “I referenced the YouTube ‘Chimpulse Discussion’ video of this year, and I sincerely apologize for not being able to announce it in advance.”

In ‘Miu Bird’ on the 9th, Kim Jong-min and Ji Sang-ryeol had a final discussion about ‘who is stronger, a lion or a tiger’. However, after the broadcast, viewers raised a problem that the content and flow of the discussion was similar to the content of the ‘Chimpel Discussion’ conducted in 2018 by webtoon writers Malnyeon Lee and Homin Joo.

The production team said, “In the past, we broadcast discussions on topics such as ‘aliens exist vs. no’, ‘superpowers exist vs don’t’, ‘chicken vs egg first’. The discussion was conducted on the topic of ‘The King of Animals is a lion vs a tiger’, which was covered in the web entertainment ‘Brainficial’ (August 2018).”

He continued, “It did not appear on the air, but we looked for various reasons for the discussion at the shooting site. I sincerely apologize for not doing so.”

Finally, the production team said, “I contacted the webtoon writer in the last year of this year, explained the process, and delivered an apology. Taking this as a lesson, I promise that I will be extra careful about ‘notifying the source’ in the future.”

Editor Soyoon Lee :