
The Taliban issued an iron rule! Government officials must ‘grow a beard’ or they will be fired. Men can visit amusement parks for 4 days and women for 3 days.

Afghanistan’s Taliban government has recently ordered male government officials to “grow a beard” and follow a strict dress code. otherwise they will be fired.

Reuters quoted three sources as saying: Officials from the Ministry for Promotion of Virtue and prevention of Vice patrol the entrances of government agencies. From yesterday (March 28) to see if any officers or employees do not comply with the new rules.

These government officials were forbidden from shaving their beards. and must wear a long shirt, long pants and a hat or headband typical of Afghan men. You must also pray on time every time.

Staff who are dressed inappropriately will not be allowed to enter the office. and may eventually be fired. The source stated

Spokesperson for the Ministry of Moral Promotion also declined to comment on the issue.

last week The Taliban government has banned women from boarding planes alone without their parents, husbands or relatives. The part that had promised to allow high schools for girls to reopen did not do what it said.

The Islamist government, which regained power in August last year, has also announced that all amusement parks need to be elected. There is a clear separation between men and women, with women allowed 3 days and men 4 days a week. Including Saturday and Sunday holidays This means that not even a couple or family can participate in activities at the same time.

The Taliban leaders have pledged to the international community to respect the rights of all citizens in line with Islamic law and Afghan traditions. They also claim that they “It has changed” from when it ruled Afghanistan from 1996 to 2001, when women were forbidden from leaving their homes without male relatives. While all men are forced to grow beards

The Taliban’s breach of promises to open schools for girls has drawn criticism from around the world, including the United States, which has abruptly canceled economic talks with the Taliban government delegation to Qatar.

source: Reuters