
The wife will share the bed with the guest, the husband will sleep outside, a place with strange customs

There is a tribe that pleases guests by having sex with them as part of hospitality. In the country of Nambia in South Africa, the tribal community called Himba live with different customs. However, their culture is not limited to this. Recently, a YouTuber in Ghana came up with the details of this tribe.

Polygamy, which exists in African countries, is also active in this tribe. It is normal here for girls to marry very early. Girls will be partnered with a man chosen by their parents. A group of people who do not accept civilization take special care to ensure that their beliefs and culture are not contaminated in any way by outsiders.

The harsh climate of the desert and the lack of drinking water are the reasons why these tribes find it difficult to bathe. At the same time, do not mistake their routine for not bathing for impurity. In the village where there is a shortage of fresh water, they do not use water for bathing, but rub a red colored mixture on their bodies. They also take a special ‘Kuli’ with smoke every day to maintain cleanliness.

Their methods of entertaining guests are also slightly different. When a guest knocks on the door of the house the head of the house shows his approval and pleasure by giving ‘okujepisa omukasend’ to his guest. That is, the woman is allowed to sleep with the guest. In the meantime, the husband sleeps in another room or outside the house if it is not convenient. It is considered part of hospitality. They also consider it a great insult if the guest denies this.

The hairstyles of women from the Himba tribe are also very special. Hairstyle is determined by age. Women tend to grow their hair in such a way that it falls back on their face. Later, as they grow older, their hair changes. A thick necklace is also worn with it, indicating no children. And there is a peculiarity that men and women walk without a veil.