
The world’s most attractive cities index released in 2021, Hong Kong falls out of the top ten hot immigrant cities and reaches the top|Hong Kong 01|Travel

[World’s Most Attractive Cities Index]Tokyo research institute “Mori Memorial Foundation” recently announced the “2021 World’s Most Attractive Cities Index”, Hong Kong fell out of the top 10 most attractive cities in the world for the first time Japan is also only in third place, and the first place is one of the most popular immigration countries in recent years!

The world’s most attractive cities index released in 2021

“Mori Memorial Foundation” recently announced the “2021 Global City Strength Index”. Hong Kong fell out of the top 10 for the first time and ranked 13th in the latest survey report, losing to Singapore, Shanghai and Japan in the Asia-Pacific region. In other places, the performance hit a record low.


Hong Kong ranks 5th in the economic category, and ranks 10th, 33rd, 24th, 13th and 24th in research and development, livability, culture, transportation, and environment.

The survey results also showed that the top five countries and regions were the same as in previous years: Tokyo ranked third, with a slight improvement in performance compared to previous years; London continued to hold the number one spot.

(Image source: Mori Memorial Foundation)
