
The young man checked his pregnancy by 2 lines, but he was not pregnant. “Doctor Lab Panda” warned about the risk of testicular cancer.

After a man tried to take a pregnancy test for a woman to check and it showed 2 lines but she was not pregnant, the latest page “Doctor Lab Panda” warned that there is a risk of testicular cancer. Suggest that if you know something is wrong with your testicles, see a doctor immediately.

On November 21, the page “Doctor Lab Panda” or MD Pakphum Dethusdin, a famous medical technician. It came out in the post after a man tried to take a pregnancy test for a woman to check and it turned out to be 2 lines, not pregnant, but there may be a risk of testicular cancer.

By the page that states the message that “One man is empty. I try to take my wife’s pregnancy test kit and try to test my own urine. It seems to show 2 lines. This one is not pregnant instead of my wife. But there is a chance of testicular cancer. Because the principle of the test is that it detects the hormone beta hCG (β-hCG), which is produced in large numbers in pregnant women. Produced in blood and urine When taking the pregnant woman’s pee to check, how did she get up to 2 lines?

But if men have created this hormone more than normal people. This is often found in people with testicular cancer. But not by reading this far, they will flock to buy and check. waste of money Because not everyone with testicular cancer has high β-hCG. I didn’t go for a health check. miss the opportunity to get treatment

So, if anyone feels that something is wrong with the testicles, such as pain in the testicles, touch and find a lump of abnormal testicle size You should see a doctor immediately. Because it can be quickly found being treated. Not that I’m proud of how big my eggs are. Maybe it’s wrong.”