
There is an ‘official’ in the target weight of female idols… minus this number from the key

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Experienced idol trainees revealed the idol ‘target weight’ formula to get a good foot on the screen.

On the 21st, an article titled ‘Ex-idol trainees say that idols’ weight is the standard’ was posted on the online community Formos.

In the post, “Idol trainees banned from dating?” posted on the YouTube channel ‘AYO Ayo’. A part of the video titled ‘The young people who went to the debut group tell me’ was captured and uploaded.

In the video, former idol trainees Bin Ha-neul and Choi Ye-jin talked about the difficulties that idol trainees face when it comes to diet.

YouTube channel ‘AYO Ayo’ video ‘Idol trainees banned from dating? Yeonsaeng, who went all the way to the debut group, told me’ / YouTube channel ‘AYO Ayo’

youtube channel
YouTube channel ‘AYO Ayo’ video ‘Idol trainees banned from dating? A capture from the young people who went up to the debut group tell me. / Hereinafter, the YouTube channel ‘AYO AYO’

After reading a netizen’s comment, “I was watching the banned food (video) when I was an idol trainee, it’s still funny that the trainee put it in my pocket (when I got caught eating food),” said Bin Ha Neul, “This is very common.”

Choi Ye-jin said, “Idol trainees set their target weight for a number corresponding to ‘height (cm)-120’ for their debut.”

To this, Bin Ha Neul also added, “I think it looks pretty on TV if I take it out to the extent that I think I’m too skinny.”

Regarding the idol’s diet, he explained, “I tend to manage my weight more strictly before debut, but after debut, I have to manage my schedule somehow, so (the agency) seems to eat rice as well.”

Although it is not as extreme as the idol target weight standards they described, similar ‘beauty weight’ has been popular in online communities in the past. Beauty weight is classified according to height, and it requires about 10 kg less than the standard weight standard.

However, when critics came out that excessive dieting to achieve ‘beauty weight’ harmed health, on the contrary, a weight standard called ‘weigh just to live well as a human’ appeared. ‘Weight to live well just like a human being’ literally means the weight at which you can live a happy and healthy life, even if you are not thin. Generally, it is about 10 kg heavier than the standard body weight.

Instee's article
Instiz’s post ‘Do you think this is the standard weight, the beauty weight?’ capture. / Instiz
Instee's article
Capture of Instiz’s article ‘Weight to live well like a human being’. / Instiz
Photos not directly related to the article.  / Dmytro
Photos not directly related to the article. / Dmytro