
There is no way in the “abdominal muscle grand slam” during the summer season where a rookie of “ancient face” training lives | Full Account

Chano is the first professional base loaded bullet

■ Orix 9-2 Hiroshima (1st, Kyocera Dome)

A serious hitter rarely hits the ball. Orix outfielder Atsumasa Chano entered the game against Hiroshima on the 1st as “Number 2, right wing”, and from the 8th inning with a 4 point lead and the bases loaded with 2 outs, he hit his first professional home run. right wing stand.

“I felt I had a better angle than I thought. I don’t usually get that kind of angle, but it felt good, so I wanted to go (to the stands) to watch it.”

The wish really got to the hit ball. The grand slam, which hits the right wing, goes wild in the stadium. A “memorial ball” bounced from the stands to the floor and immediately replied, “I will send it to my parents’ house immediately.” A newcomer from training shows his presence again.

On this day, he went on a rampage with 3 hits in 5 at bats and 6 RBIs. Raises the batting average to .279, and the number of hits 51 is 4th in the league, 2 hits behind the top. Depending on the situation, there is also the possibility of jumping to the top right away. Manager Satoshi Nakajima also evaluated, “I’ll do it. It won’t matter if it’s the first year. I’m using it as a fighting force, so I don’t think I’m a rookie.” Continuing, he also showed his “charm” to keep laughing, saying, “My face is … of an ancient type.”

The content of such an “ancient face” of Chano is pure itself. “Coach Taguchi told me to do the sit-ups, so I did well. I heard that the strikes would fall off if the core got worse, so I did that. It’s a small number, like 10 times.” He is a lovable character who answers with a straight face and makes the people around him laugh.

When Taguchi asked the outfielder and base running coach about abdominal muscle training, he shrugged, “It doesn’t matter, it doesn’t matter (laughs).” “Well…if you sit up and hit a home run, everybody will!” Still, “Professional baseball gets tired when the rainy season comes, so let’s do maintenance properly. I remembered the message.

The “serious rookie” who keeps the promise of the abdominal muscles he said in jokes is constantly attacking.

(真柴健 / Ken Mashiba)