
This year’s first box office “Top Gun 2” announced behind the scenes that Tommy drove the F14 to win the 5th generation fighter – Movie – cnBeta.COM

As the best film of this year, the cold air combat film “Top Gun 2” has a total box office of nearly 1.5 billion US dollars. Such a stunning performance makes it still ranked 11th in the history of the box office global tickets. It is reported that the foreign box office of “Top Gun 2” has accumulated to 766.9 million US dollars, which means that its popularity abroad is much more than the United States.

To celebrate the beautiful box office, the official also sent the production behind the scenes of “Top Gun 2”. It can be seen that Tom, in order to show the real environment, flew the fighter personally.

Indeed, there is a reason why “Top Gun 2” is a worldwide hit. If you watch this blockbuster, the scene is really powerful. It was shot with a real plane, no fake CGI stuff, and a real fighter jet. It’s still “Lincoln” The filming took place on the aircraft carrier “CVN 72”, and 6 IMAX 6K level full frame cameras were set up in the cabin for framing. Joseph Kosinski, director of “Tron” and “Forgotten War”, took it very real and dominant. .

In fact, Brother Tom also said on the spot that everyone learns first on the spot, and then shoots the fighter plane… That’s how the F14’s free and easy victory over the 5th generation fighter jet from…