
‘Tteokbokki House’ villain Yang Hyun-min “I’m acting to become famous X”

Actor Yang Hyun-min showed his love for acting.

In the episode of MBC Every1’s ‘Tteokbokki House, That Oppa’ broadcast on the 26th, ‘a professional villain actor’ Yang Hyun-min appeared.

He confessed, “That was my dream. Can I make a living by acting only? I didn’t act to become famous. did.

However, Ji Suk-jin said, “Isn’t that because I don’t have a baby?” and said, “If it’s a little bit longer, let’s keep it this way, let’s keep it like this. People are like that,” and made everyone laugh.

[박새롬 스타투데이 객원기자]

[ⓒ 매일경제 &, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]