
Two more weeks of distancing… Store open at 9 o’clock, 2+2 inoculations are allowed in the evening

As the number of vaccinations is increasing, but the spread of the corona virus is still there, the quarantine authorities decided to extend the current social distancing phase by two more weeks until the 5th of next month.

There are parts that change in detail, and reporter Park Soo-jin explains what it is.

The biggest difference is the opening hours of restaurants and cafes in the metropolitan area and some non-metropolitan areas such as Busan and Jeju.

The in-store business, which is currently until 10 p.m., will be shortened by 1 hour from Monday to 9 p.m. next week.

Other multi-use facilities such as the singing practice area, indoor sports facilities, and PC rooms remain the same until 10 pm.

[손영래/중앙사고수습본부 사회전략반장 : (집단감염의) 3분의 1 정도의 비중을 식당·카페가 차지하고 있습니다. 이 업종의 특성상 마스크를 계속 착용하고 있는 것 자체가 근원적으로 불가능합니다.]

Instead, we’ve reinstated some vaccination incentives for restaurants and cafes.

After 6 pm, up to 2 people can gather, but if 2 people who have completed inoculation join, a maximum of 4 people can gather.

[이기일/중앙재난안전대책본부 제1통제관 : 소상공인들의 어려움, 경제의 어려움이 매우 많습니다. 이분들을 감안해서 접종자에 한해서 4명까지 하게 된 것입니다.]

Convenience stores, like restaurants, are prohibited from eating inside and outside the store after 9 p.m. in Level 4 and after 10 p.m. in Level 3.

In indoor smoking rooms, a 2 meter distance must be maintained, and if it is difficult to keep it, only one person is allowed.

Workers in facilities where group infections frequently occur, such as indoor sports facilities and public baths, must undergo a preemptive examination every two weeks in the 4th level area.

The quarantine authorities considered extending the current distance by four weeks, but considering the overlap with the beginning of the Chuseok holiday, we decided to extend it by two weeks first, then decide again after seeing the epidemic situation.
