
UK sanctions against collaborators in Russian referendum fraud… Including emerging conglomerates

The UK announced on the 26th (local time) that it would impose additional sanctions on Russian voting partners in Ukraine’s occupied territories, including emerging conglomerates.

The British Foreign Office has issued 92 sanctions, arguing that Russia’s illegal and fraudulent referendum in four territories occupied by Ukraine is in violation of international law, including the UN Charter.

Sanctions included high-ranking officials working with Russia in these regions, polling public relations agencies and security document management companies.

In addition, four new chaebols (oligarchy) joined with total assets of £6.3 billion (9.7 trillion won) and board members of large state-owned banks, such as Gazprom Bank, which finance wars. .

British Foreign Secretary James Clebury said: “A fraudulent referendum held at gunpoint cannot be free or fair and we will not recognize the result.”

In the four Russian-occupied territories: Donetsk and Luhansk (Russian name Lugansk) oblasts in eastern Ukraine, and Zaporiza and Kherson oblasts in the south, a vote is being held to ask residents whether to annex Russian territory.

/happy news