
Ukraine is ready for all border protection scenarios = President | Reuters

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said in his regular speech on Thursday that defending Ukraine’s borders is “always a priority” and that he is ready for any scenario with Russia and its ally Belarus. The photo was taken in Kyiv on December 13, 2022 (Published by the Office of the President of Ukraine)

[18日 ロイター] – Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said in his regular speech on Thursday that protecting Ukraine’s borders is “always a priority” and that the country is ready for any scenario with Russia and its ally Belarus.

“Protecting our borders with Russia and Belarus is always a priority,” he said, adding that “we are prepared for every possible defense scenario.”

He has also renewed his appeal to Western powers to provide Ukraine with an effective air defense system.

Russian President Vladimir Putin is expected to visit Belarus on the 19th. There is also the possibility that Russia will attack Ukraine from Belarus.