
‘Unnecessary strike; Putting a banana in the seat is unacceptable; Will check for external interference ‘- K Anusree | SFI | Rahul Gandhi office attack

Thiruvananthapuram: State President of the SFI K Anushree has said that the SFI does not justify person-centered marches and violence in the office. If it is a failure of leadership, it will be examined and action will be taken if it is immature. It will also check whether the incident occurred as part of an external intervention.

Putting a banana in Rahul Gandhi’s office seat is unacceptable. State leaders were only told that the SFI district leadership would take up a program on the buffer zone issue. Anushree told Manorama Online that she was unaware that such a protest would take place.

Has the SFI assessed the reasons behind the attack on Rahul Gandhi’s office in Wayanad?

The march in Wayanad did not take place without the knowledge of the SFI leadership. Buffer Zone (Ecologically Sensitive Zone) is an issue affecting many districts including Wayanad and Palakkad. SFI has not considered a protest on the buffer zone issue on a state basis. However, the Wayanad district committee had said that it would protest if the MP did not intervene in issues affecting the people, including the buffer zone.

SFI always conducts protests in other ways. The organization does not in any way justify person-centered marches and violence in the office. It will be examined who led this. As it is a public issue, it has affected many sections and many people have participated in that march. It will be examined whether it is part of any other external intervention or suggestion. Because SFI does not march like this.



When Rahul Gandhi MP’s office was vandalized by SFI activists. Picture: Manorama

The leadership in Wayanad is exemplary. They need to examine how they fell. If it is a failure of leadership, it will be examined and action will be taken if it is immature. The SFI Center is joining the meeting. All India President VP Sanu will be present. After that the leaders will go to Wayanad and talk to the leadership and take a decision immediately. The meeting will be held in Wayanad on Tuesday.

Did the district leadership inform the state leadership about the march? Does the organization assess that someone from outside infiltrated the march?

The district leadership did not say it was a demonstration. Bufferzone had said he would file a protest on the issue. No information was given to the state leadership that a march would be held to the MP’s office. The program was decided by the district committee. If the SFI state committee had taken a decision, protests would have taken place in other districts as well.

State leaders also attended the event in Wayanad. No one except Wayanad district leaders participated in the march. He only told the state leaders that the SFI leadership would take up a program on the buffer zone issue. It is unknown at this time what he will do after leaving the post.



SFI activists climb through the window behind Rahul Gandhi MP’s office.

Bananas were cut and placed in a seat in Rahul Gandhi’s office. It is alleged that the Gandhi picture in the office fell to the ground?

Anything put in the banana cut seat is unacceptable. SFI district leaders will be asked if anyone has given instructions, or if the SFI leadership has decided to go that route. Evidence of Gandhi’s image being thrown on the ground is coming up on social media.

The media video shows a picture of Gandhi on the wall as the SFIs return from the demonstration. There has been intervention to portray the conflict badly. The SFI fall is real. Congressmen tended to make it worse. As part of that, the film landed on the ground.



K. Anushree (Photo shared on social media)

സംഭവം This incident embarrassed SFI nationally. Will the grassroots be advised to be vigilant when striking at the local level?

SFI has a general approach. It does not need to be changed in the name of this event. District office bearers will continue to be instructed. No matter what program the SFI conducts, the district office bearers are given precise instructions in advance. There is nothing new to suggest.

But in the event of a fall in Wayanad, it will convince Wayanad and elsewhere. Such falls should not occur due to immaturity. In other districts there has been no problem so far. SFI as a whole does not agree with making it so.

The CPM state leadership had sought an explanation from the SFI. Were things able to convince the leadership?

The party has been criticized in the community since the SFI march. State leaders also had to respond. It was a march that took place without the knowledge of the leadership. Our part made it clear that it was not with the knowledge of the leadership.

What was the situation that led to the march to Rahul Gandhi’s office on the buffer zone issue?

It was an unnecessary strike. It was not a struggle to focus on the individual. Not something that can be justified.

The Supreme Court has ordered that one kilometer around the forest should be made an ecologically sensitive area. The state government has to file a review petition against this. What is the point of protesting against Rahul Gandhi in this?

Rahul Gandhi was not instructed to concentrate. The protest was planned following public sentiment against the MP for not intervening in local issues. SFI will examine how it came to this immaturity. It was an unnecessary strike. Things happened that destroyed the general character of the march. It is also important to check for other interventions.

English Summary: Interview with SFI State President K Anusree