
UP DSP says Argentina’s special appreciation for Kerala causes National resentment | Deshabhimani

LUCKNOW: A UP police officer has expressed displeasure over the fact that the Argentinian team tweeted thanks to Kerala after winning the Football World Cup final. DSP Anjali Kataria said on Twitter that special appreciation is not the right move and Kerala is only one state in India and it will offend self-respecting Indians. They also asked the Argentine Football Association to correct the tweet. The demand is to change the mention of Kerala in the tweet

Anjali Katharia was angered by the tweet given by Argentina, who wanted to add Kerala to the glory of World Cup achievement. . The Argentina team thanked the fans in Kerala for supporting the team throughout the football world cup matches. ‘Thank you Bangladesh. Thanks to Kerala, India and Pakistan. Thank you very much for your support’ was a tweet from the team’s official handle.

“The tweet from Argentina is careless, Kerala has had a separate existence along with the three countries formed out of bloody British rule. Any self-respecting Indian can only read this with anger’. Anjali’s tweet said.

Outside of Argentina, the team has the largest number of fans in India and Bangladesh. That is why, although it is not a country, Kerala was thanked by its name. It went viral on social media. Brazil star Neymar also thanked the Kerala fans for setting up a big break earlier.

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