
Update symptoms Eh Jirakon-family Being infected with covid is still worrisome Win daily chest X-ray results

Update symptoms Eh Jirakon-family after covid 19 Delta species. Worrying symptoms. Win x-ray results of the lungs day by day.

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Update symptoms Eh Jirakon-family – from the case of a famous young singer Eh Jirakon Sompak with family, 7 people in the house infected with coviral 19 Delta species and is being treated in a hospital amid concern from fans

Most recently, a personal managerEh Jirakon Sompak” has revealed the initial symptoms after being admitted to the hospital, revealing that “the symptoms of Eh update on August 3, many symptoms continuously It is considered the most since being infected. because sleep all day

have dizziness sometimes cough low fever chills dizzy all the time Still unable to breathe normally Still need medication Allergy symptoms increased, sinus swelling, today August 4th, still dizzy, less coughing, decreased fever, decreased nose odor. breathing normally But still giving medicine, overall symptoms are considered better.

As for the wife, updated on August 3 Chompoo Cough all the time, shortness of breath, low fever, overall is considered worse. Update On August 4th, Chompoo’s cough has decreased. with symptoms of shortness of breath, fever decreased, overall symptoms improved Just had an x-ray. There was infection in the lungs. Still need to follow up day by day.

However Sister Anya 9-year-old, updated on August 3, had a severe cough, received medication and symptomatic treatment until August 4, the cough subsided, lung symptoms improved. and have to wait for x-ray results the next day

part Little PJ 6 years old, on August 3, had a rash all over the body. All other symptoms are normal. On August 4th, there was an allergic reaction to the weather. a rash on the body The result was caused by the infection and received the drug, while other symptoms were normal.

Sister Sharlyn 3 years old, update on August 3, vomiting, high fever, alternating with diarrhea, 3 rounds of liquid diarrhea, have to wait to see symptoms every 4 hours. At night, there is still a lot of coughing. And wait to see the lung results day by day. On August 4th, there is a cough, still have a low fever, see symptoms every 4 hours. At night there is still a lot of coughing. Waiting to see the results of the lungs day by day

In addition, symptomsGrandma Udom Or Chompoo’s grandmother, on August 3, has a cough, can’t eat, still has infection in the lungs. But lung inflammation decreased. Daily follow-up, low fever, high blood sugar levels. Due to a congenital disease as diabetes, on August 4, Grandma Udom had a cough, couldn’t eat, and still had the infection in her lungs. Lung inflammation decreased, O2 was not good, lung follow-up day by day, low fever, glycemic level remained high.

part Chompoo’s father On August 3, he still had a cough and low fever, but his overall condition improved. Even though there is still infection in the lungs which reduced lung inflammation and had to have a lung x-ray again until August 4, had a cough, low fever, overall symptoms improved. There is still infection in the lungs. But lung inflammation decreased. Tomorrow I have to take another lung X-ray.