
US President, New Corona Symptom “Almost Completely Eliminate” = Doctor | Reuters

Regarding President Biden (79), who was infected with the new coronavirus, Mr. Biden’s doctor released a memo on the 25th saying that his symptoms were “almost completely resolved.” Taken on the 21st. Photo provided (2022 Reuters / Courtesy Twitter President Biden @ POTUS / Handout via REUTERS)

[ワシントン 25日 ロイター] ――About President Biden (79) infected with the new coronavirus, Mr. Biden’s doctor released a memo on the 25th saying that the symptoms were “almost completely resolved”.

Mr. Biden was found positive on the 21st by a new corona test.

According to a memo released by the White House, doctor Kevin O Connor asked Mr. Biden that he had only a slight stuffy nose and a squeaky voice at this point.

According to Dr. O’Connor, Mr. Biden’s lungs are fine and responding well to the treatment. During the weekend, he said Biden’s cough and body aches were alleviated and he wasn’t short of breath.

Mr. Biden will attend an online meeting with industry insiders today over a bill to strengthen the domestic semiconductor industry.