
Very sad “Anna Natasha” lost her mother. because of covid-19 Post a mourning photo from the heart of the child.

at 10:30 p.m. on September 4 “Anna Natasha Changes the Way” has posted a clip of the mother with the flowers scattered but no message while the Facebook of Jon Chirapongse, which is Anna’s aunt posted the news that

“Anong, Anna Natasha’s mother, has changed her way of treating COVID for almost 2 months. She passed away peacefully last night. May Nong Nong’s soul go to heaven.
I’m really sorry I am Anna’s aunt. Will take care of grandchildren and Titan as much as possible. I myself am battling with the current disease. too heavy The heaviest in 10 years
I really hate this covid. Take away people close to you, I don’t know how much.”

Previously, on August 12, “Anna Natasha” posted a picture of her father and mother standing side by side. with a happy smile

Recently, on the personal Instagram of “Anna Natasha”, people joined in the mourning of her mother’s passing with sorrow.
