
Visit of the International Union of Notaries in Bujumbura –

The International Union of Notaries wants to integrate the Burundian notariat into its midst

Bujumbura, 27/03/2023 – Aligned with the Barundi Foreign Policy, including Defense and Globalization. But also thea Internal Policy of the Barundi, in particular Judicial and Socio-cultural. In court on Monday, Ms. Banyankimbona Domine, Burundian Minister of Justice, received members of the Commission of the International Union of Notaries ( UIN ). Come to try to strengthen the legal security of real estate transactions in Burundi. Discussing the advantages of the Burundian Notariat’s membership of the‘Union Internationale du Notariat.
Among the Barundi, people of Freedomthe treasure– the land or – family plot – is sacred. Related to couples In Calendar-Calendar et Mukairanga-Kiranga. Attached to the Burundian hills, the land is the identity of each murundi et the foster mother of the Barundi. Being jealously attached to the defense policy of the Barundi to protect her.
The adherence of the Burundian notariat to an international entity such as the International Union of Notaries means agreeing to legally bind the sacred land of the Barundi internationally to non-Barundi foreigners. Either allow foreigners to be able to legally attack Barundi to claim “their portion” of land from the sacred land of Burundi.

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Sources: Nahimana P., Monday, March 27, 2023 | Photo: Ministry of Justice of Burundi