
WADA WADA bans Thailand from hosting international sports Do not use the Thai flag

forsports festivalthat Thailand will compete in a period of 1 year after this are as follows: Olympic Winter Games 2022 atBeijing, China Between 4-20 February, Asian Indoor and Martial Arts Games In Thailand (not yet set the exact date), the 31st SEA Games in May in Vietnam, the World Games at the United States Between 7-22 July and the 19th Asian Games in Hangzhou, China from 10-25 September.

1. Audit Programs It is an audit to assess the performance of the Sports Doping Control Office, which SAThave corrected and the implementation of WADA recommendations and is still undergoing a WADA audit, ending on November 17, 2021.

2. Continuous Monitoring Program WADA has adopted anti-use rules. Prohibited Substances of the Sports Substance Control Office finished

3. Sports Doping Control Act, B.E. 2555 In which WADA has examined the Doping Control Act in Sports B.E. 2555, found that there are requirements in some sections that do not meet international standards. As stipulated by the World Anti-Doping Code, 2021,

so Ministry of Tourism and Sports Sports Authority of Thailand Sports Substance Control Office continued to proposecabinet By the time of the Cabinet meeting on September 21, 2021 by the Cabinet Has resolved to assign the Ministry of Tourism and Sports Office of the Council of State Sports Authority of Thailand andOlympic Committee of Thailand togetherconsider improvementsThe Sports Doping Control Act, B.E. 2555 is an independent agency Amend the definitions of sports prohibited substances, etc., in accordance with the World Anti-Doping Code.

WADA WADA bans Thailand from hosting international sports  Do not use the Thai flag

By considering the appropriate form to be enacted as a law under Chapter 16 National Reform of the Constitution of the Kingdom of Thailand or enacted as an Emergency Decree under Section 172 of the Constitution of the Kingdom of Thailand and then presented to the Cabinet for further consideration as soon as possible. If Thailand delays the amendment of the law As a result, Thailand will not be able to send athletes to participate in international sporting events. or to host international sporting events which will affect the sports industry of the country and the image of Thailand to other countries

Including the loss of a lot of economic assets. Therefore, it is expedient to amend the law in this matter to come into force as soon as possible within 3 – 4 months. Currently, the action is in the process of considering amendments to the Office of the Office of the Doping Control Act, B.E. 2555. ordinance committee

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