
War Hero – Chandrika Daily

Fight or die is the motto of any fighter. Also called do or die. This is what Ukrainian President Vladimir Oleksandrovich Selensky is saying every now and then. The burden of protecting the four and a half crore people of the country is on the head of this forty-four year old.

About 20 million civilians have already been displaced by the Russian invasion. With an army of over 20,000, Selensky and his unbridled confidence and courage remain. With the NATO allies not getting the support they were hoping for, the question now is what’s ahead of Selensky. As Russia continues its unilateral offensive, which began on February 24, all eyes are on Selensky, who is clenching his fists and talking nonchalantly. Although many call him a poor boy, the war did not last long, as the world had hoped. By the second month of the war, most of Ukraine’s major institutions, military bases and power plants had collapsed. Russia now has only a handful of rare nuclear facilities, such as Chernobyl. The current fighting is near the capital, Kiev. With the announcement that he is still here, Selensky has been appearing on social media to inspire the military and the people.

Selensky’s decision to join the European Union and NATO provoked Russia and led to the attack. Selensky, who was silent on the issue for the first time, changed his mind a week later and said he was thinking of joining NATO. More than that, Selensky’s complaint was about not getting NATO military assistance. That was right.

The United States and NATO countries have given great hope to Selensky in the past, but now they are watching. All they have done is send millions of dollars worth of military equipment. Tens of thousands have already migrated to other European countries. Kyiv is almost deserted. It is heard that Selensky is in some bunker. But he keeps talking to Japan, Israel and the EU. Selensky’s March 1 address to the European Parliament was heartbreaking. Members of Parliament stood up and praised the speaker. ‘No one can cut us off. We are strong, and so are the Ukrainians, “said Selensky. Ukraine is the largest country in Europe.

The superpower after post-Soviet Russia. Selensky’s pledge is to preserve their freedom at all costs. It remains to be seen how long the president, who has already survived dozens of assassination attempts, will remain the country’s wartime hero. Selensky’s life, and perhaps his life, will be over if Russia invades the country. Selensky was born into a Jewish family on January 25, 1978, and belongs to Hitler’s Jewish Holocaust family. He will enter politics in 2018 after getting involved in comedy shows and movies. Selensky received 73 percent of the vote in the presidential election, representing the Servant of the People party. Opponent Porushenko 25. His wife is Olena Kyashkov. Two children.