
‘We must learn too’; Women in protest; Taliban stop firing | Taliban | Afghanistan

Protests in the country have not ended after the Taliban seized control of Afghanistan. AFP reports that six women who came out in protest were shot back into the air.

Earlier this month, the Taliban protested against an order banning girls from going to school. The protesters gathered outside a high school in East Kabul with banners reading “Do not smash our pens, do not burn our books, do not close our schools”.

The Taliban opened fire on protesters in the air. A foreign journalist was reportedly beaten with a rifle to prevent him from filming the scenes. Protesters from a group of Afghan women activists then took refuge inside the school

Taliban guard Maulvi Nazratullah, the head of a special force in Kabul, said security forces had not been notified of the protesters’ protest.

“In our country, as in all other countries, they have the right to protest, but they must inform the security establishment in advance,” he said.

Isolated rallies of women have taken place in many cities across the country since the Taliban seized power.

But protests erupted after the government ordered unauthorized demonstrations and warned that violators would face severe legal action. Weeks go by after girls are prevented from going to secondary school ..
