
Which chest will you use to hold the gold in your jackpot?Interesting quiz to test whether you have a partial fortune recently – Fuhe Health

[测试题]You win the grand prize, and the prize is 60,000 taels of gold, so you have to order a box to put it in, then which box do you think you will use to hold your gold and transport it out of that prize center? ?【A】The first box is all orange 【B】The second box is all yellow 【C】The third box is violet and blue 【D】The fourth box is light pink Light blue[E]The fifth box is blue and orange[A。

第一个箱子全部都是橘色的]The windfall index is 40 points, from family, relatives and friends, small feedback and small subsidies, the amount is not very large, but it has a warm feeling.


第二个箱子全部都是黄色的]The windfall index is 60 points, and the unexpected income comes from overworked work, which means that you have done more than others, so you will earn a little more.


第三个箱子是紫罗兰色搭蓝色]The windfall index is 100 points. Unexpected income comes from good luck everywhere. Whether it is work or relationship, there will be wealth wherever you go. Sometimes it is an opportunity, sometimes it is obvious wealth, not necessarily so. An obvious amount of money, but it quickly converts into money and goes into your pocket.

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