
Which zodiac signs do you have in 2022 and how to resolve Tai Sui?

Original title: 2022 who commits Tai Sui, which zodiac signs and how to resolve Tai Sui offence

When the new year comes, not only the zodiac signs will change, but also the zodiac signs that commit Tai Sui will also change. Everyone is familiar with the term Tai Sui. As long as we encounter this word, then we cannot get rid of the following situation. That is to say, low fortune, bad mood, etc., so we must be cautious in our words and deeds during this year. Then which zodiac signs will be guilty of Tai Sui in 2022?

Zodiac Tiger

People belonging to the Tiger family face their natal year as Tai Sui in the Year of the Tiger. This year the tigers will be troubled by the “year-old” catastrophe, which means that no matter what they do, it will be difficult for them to go smoothly. Many fierce stars such as “Tai Sui”, “Fusion”, “Jianfeng” and “Yellow Banner” are all ready to go, waiting for the year of the tiger to destroy the business and wealth of the tiger people. But fortunately, there are also noble stars such as “Jiangxing” and “Yuede”, which bring opportunities for the tigers to transfer.

Zodiac Monkey

When the monkeys come to the Year of the Tiger in 2022, they will encounter the Tai Sui situation, which will make their career fortunes under the interference of the evil stars and poor fortunes. Although their own conditions are excellent and popular, there are still many unstable factors behind their character, which makes them often have mistakes in their work and makes their career fortunes drop sharply.

Zodiac snake

When the Snake people come to the Year of the Tiger in 2022, they will harm Tai Sui and punish Tai Sui. Snake people can be described as having troubles and rough fortunes during this year. Not only will their career fortunes be impacted by villains, but also their family fortunes will fluctuate greatly. It is recommended that snakes should communicate with their family members in 2022 to resolve unnecessary conflicts.

Zodiac Pig

When the pigs come to the Year of the Tiger in 2022, they will break the Tai Sui situation. Their gentle personality and straightforward temper have won excellent relationships. However, due to the influence of the fleeting Tai Sui, the pigs have made slow progress in their careers during the year, and the money is not easy to obtain, and their feelings are also twists and turns.

Ways to resolve Tai Sui

Home Feng Shui should be handled well

For those who commit Tai Sui in 2022, if you want to resolve Tai Sui, you can do your home layout work with your heart. You can find the favorable and unfavorable directions based on this year’s Jiugong Feixing map, as well as the Sui Po Fang and Tai Sui Fang at home. If it is a bad position, stay away in time and don’t stay here for a long time. If it is auspicious, you can chat, eat, and rest here, which can bring many unexpected surprises. You can put some lucky decorations in your home, or hang some pendants, which can balance the aura and fortune at home, so that your family can have a happy and beautiful life.

Wear feng shui accessories

For those who commit Tai Sui in 2022, if you want to resolve Tai Sui, you can wear some Feng Shui accessories. You can wear amethyst pendants, which not only can keep people calm and healthy, but also promote the marriage fortune. The couple can be considerate and caring for each other in their love lives. You can also wear jade jewelry, which can promote your own comprehensive aura and fortune, and can also make yourself exude endless charm, which will help people’s relationship and become more and more prosperous. In addition, you can also wear mahogany bracelets, which can drive away your own bad luck and pass the Tai Sui years safely.Return to Sohu to see more


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