
Who doesn’t build “Jaturong”, build a giant puppet “Jae Taew”, the Taew tower is broken, waiting for people to come and take photos.

whichgiant puppet jae taew has becomenew landmarkInvite tourists to take pictures and play together at JR Green, an organic vegetable garden in Ratchaburi province nearby. Lung Rong’s Kitchen The puppets are specially made to order and travel far from Chiang Mai to Ratchaburi. From Uncle Rong’s Kitchen You can come and see non-toxic vegetables. Then we can continue taking pictures for check-in.

By “Jaturong” posted a picture of Jay Taew’s figure. with the caption that “Hey hey.. are you waiting for someone to take a picture with you? Very beautiful, unlike anywhere else. Bring a pen to the circle at #JR Green next to #Lung Rong’s kitchen. Come. Come. Let’s take a photo.”

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