
Will Smith and Chris Rock reconcile!Live male star exposure development: everything has passed | ETtoday Starlight Cloud | ETtoday News Cloud

Reporter Li Xiangwen / Comprehensive Report

Movie star Will Smith slapped Chris Rock on stage at the Oscars after being teased about his wife’s bald head, causing a global sensation. However, singer Sean Combs revealed to the media earlier that the two have reconciled after the storm and have not caused friendship problems. “It’s all over, I can guarantee that.”

▲Bragging Dad revealed that Will Smith and Chris Rock were reconciled. (Photo/Reuters)

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Daddy Brag also participated in this year’s Oscars ceremony. After the meeting, he took his daughter to the reception. When asked about Will Smith’s beating, he immediately helped ease his cheeks: “That’s not a problem, everything has passed, I can Guarantee this. Everything is full of love, they are good brothers.” It was revealed that Will Smith and Chris Rock had successfully reconciled and the dispute ended.

▲▼Will Smith suddenly took the stage at the Oscars and gave Chris Rock a punch.  (Photo/Reuters)

▲ Although Chris Rock was beaten, he reacted calmly afterwards. (Photo/Reuters)

In fact, although Chris Rock was slapped on stage, his reaction was calm at the moment, and he laughed at himself “Wow, Will Smith just slapped me”, “This moment will be a legend in TV history.” The police also revealed that although they would intervene to investigate the matter, Chris Rock, who was beaten, refused to report the case and did not intend to take legal action against Will Smith.

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