
World Archery Federation live-action team prepares for Gwangju competition ‘favorable’

[광주=세계타임즈 손권일 기자] The World Archery Federation (WA) visiting team and key officials of the Korea Archery Association left Gwangju on the afternoon of the 22nd after completing the on-site inspection schedule on the 21st and 22nd.

Toma Obe, the head of the live-action team, said he was satisfied with the overall state of preparation, although he did not comment on the information on Madrid, the city that competed for the 2025 World Archery Championship, and the detailed inspection results of Gwangju.

In particular, the Gwangju International Archery Stadium, which will be used as a qualifying stadium, visited twice on the 21st and the 22nd to thoroughly inspect not only the stadium but also the inside of the facility. evaluated.

In addition, as a candidate site for the finals, the May 18th Democracy Plaza is a better place than the World Cup Stadium in consideration of the significance and historicity that can show the characteristics of the host city.

In addition, they were satisfied by carefully examining the Kim Dae-jung Convention Center and surrounding hotels, which will be used as the meeting place during the convention.

In particular, as a city that hosted the 2015 Gwangju U Games and the 2019 World Swimming Championships, Gwangju City gave a good evaluation to the preparations for the competition, its capacity to host the competition, and the citizens’ aspiration to host the competition.

However, he expressed disappointment about the time it takes to travel because there are no direct flights from the United States and Europe, where there are many participating players, to Gwangju.

In response, Gwangju City emphasized that even in large-scale international competitions such as the 2015 Summer U Games and the 2019 World Swimming Championships, the competition was perfectly held without any inconvenience to the athletes through the operation of a separate transport bus and KTX.

In addition, Toma Obe, the head of the live team, said that the World Archery Federation is very interested in the World Archery Championship, which goes beyond the elite championship, and is ultimately a sports festival in which citizens participate, and a competition legacy that can expand the base of the archery population.

Gwangju City plans to submit additional data to the World Archery Federation by supplementing the related data on the matters mentioned by Toma Obe, the head of the live-action team this time.

Kim Jun-young, head of the city’s Culture, Tourism and Sports Office, said, “It gave the World Archery Federation a solid impression that Gwangju could perfectly host the 2025 World Archery Championships. I will do my best in my work,” he said.

Meanwhile, the venue of the 2025 World Archery Championships will be finalized by the World Archery Federation Executive Committee in early December.

[저작권자ⓒ 세계타임즈. 무단전재-재배포 금지]
