
Yang Di posted to celebrate Jia Ling’s birthday, what is the name of Yang Di’s Jia Ling variety show?

April 29 is Jia Ling’s 40th birthday. Yang Di posted a message to celebrate his birthday, saying “Sister! Happy Birthday!!!”. After “Happy Birthday”, Yang Di used three exclamation marks in a row and matched three “birthday cake” emojis. Before the blessing, Yang Di gave Jia Ling several super interesting titles, “the highest-grossing female director in the world”, “the nemesis of chickens that makes chickens feel scared”, “the first successful variety show ‘rumor'”, “No. The daughter of the sea who works in Sanya”, “a food lover who loves to bite other people’s food”, and “a social genius who will always be in my house for supper”. Even netizens couldn’t help but comment “Die Ge’s copywriting is amazing”.

It is reported that Yang Di and Jia Ling have participated in the variety show “Youth Travel Notes” together, and Yang Di is a frequent guest of the program “Ace vs Ace” hosted by Jia Ling.

In the group photo posted by Yang Di, he and Jia Ling were sitting on a chair by the beach. When night fell, the two held their hands high and said “Yeah”, and they were comfortable and relaxed.

In addition, there is a single photo of Jia Ling. In the photo, Jia Ling is dressed as “Tong Xiangyu” in “Wulin Biography”, with a white canvas bag and an oil-paper umbrella standing under the tree, smiling all over her face.

Earlier, Jia Ling’s good sister Zhang Xiaofei also got stuck in sending birthday wishes to celebrate Jia Ling.

Original title: Yang Di issued a text to celebrate Jia Ling’s 40th birthday, the copywriting was very attentive and interesting

Responsible editor: Li Xiaoling